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Ose Industries

How Physico-Chemical Characterization Tests Help Ensure the Safety of Recycled and Bio-Based Products ?

The circular economy is gaining importance globally, and with it, the use of recycled raw materials is becoming more common. However, before these recycled materials can be reused in the manufacture of new products, it is crucial to ensure their quality and safety. This is where physico-chemical analyses come into play, playing an essential role in the recycling process. In this article, we explore the importance of these analyses for recycled materials, highlighting the issues associated with their use.


Verification of the Matrix

One of the first steps in analyzing recycled materials involves:

  • Verifying their matrix.

    • This means determining the chemical and physical composition of the recycled raw material using appropriate analytical techniques.

    • For recycled plastics, it is crucial to know the type of plastic (PET, HDPE, PVC, etc.).

  • Ensuring there are no undesirable contaminants, such as other types of plastics or additives.

  • Specific case for recycled textiles.


Heavy Metal Detection

  • The presence of heavy metals in recycled materials can pose risks to human health and the environment.

  • Physico-chemical analyses can detect the presence of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium.

  • The levels of these metals must comply with safety standards to ensure that products made from recycled materials do not present unnecessary risks.


Detection of Exogenous Elements

  • Besides heavy metals, other exogenous elements can be found in recycled materials.

  • This can include contaminants such as chemical residues,

  • microplastics, or other undesirable substances, including pollutants from the environment or the recycling process.

  • Physico-chemical analyses are essential to identify and quantify these exogenous elements.

Issues Related to the Use of Recycled Raw Materials (RRM)

  • Technical Performance of Materials

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  • Traceability

One of the main concerns with using recycled materials is traceability. It is essential to know where the recycled materials come from, how they were collected and processed, and if they meet the required quality standards. Traceability ensures transparency and trust throughout the supply chain.

  • Presence of Potential Contaminants

As previously mentioned, recycled materials can contain potential contaminants. These can come from environmental pollution or inefficient recycling processes. Physico-chemical analyses are essential to identify these contaminants and take appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce them to safe levels.

  • Regulatory Evolution

Regulations regarding the use of recycled materials are constantly evolving. Therefore, it is necessary to stay updated with applicable standards and legal requirements. Physico-chemical analyses help companies comply with current regulations and adapt to upcoming changes.


To conclude, physico-chemical analyses play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and safety of recycled raw materials.


They help address various issues related to the use of these materials in the manufacturing of sustainable products.


By investing in thorough analyses, companies can contribute to enhancing the sustainability of the circular economy and preserving the environment.

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