Expertise laboratory for fibers and recycled materials

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Expertise laboratory for fibers and recycled materials

Ose Industries

How to ensure that your raw material is recycled ?

OSE Services is an innovative company which positions itself as a major player in the field of verification of recycled materials, with a particular emphasis on PE (polyethylene) and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) fibers.

OSE Services is committed to actively contributing to the promotion of sustainable practices in the plastics recycling sector by advising our customers on the choice of their recycled raw material.

Our experience in the context of Judicial Expertises has alerted us to the excesses of fraud on recycled raw materials.

The ambitions of companies are moving towards sustainable and eco-responsible solutions.

The new European directives and in particular the proposal to revise the regulations relating to packaging and packaging waste, presented this November 30, 2022 by the European Commission, are part of the Green Deal for Europe initiated in 2019, of which the objective is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

This leads to tensions, particularly in Europe, on the supply of recycled raw materials.

We regularly carry out biodegradability study and verification missions for biosourced products.


Supplier Verification

At the heart of OSE Services' activity is its recycled materials verification service, a turnkey solution intended for companies wishing to ensure the quality and conformity of PE and PET fibers used in their production processes. production.

This proactive approach aims to meet the growing needs of an industry focused on sustainability, by offering a guarantee of transparency and traceability.

We ensure, in partnership with your suppliers, the traceability of the recycled raw material and the authenticity of the documentary data.


Raw material verification

One of the distinctive features of OSE Services is its use of cutting-edge technology to perform in-depth audits of recycled materials.

PE and PET fibers are subject to rigorous analyses, making it possible to detect any potential contamination or alteration. This ensures that OSE Services partner companies integrate high-quality recycled materials into their supply chain, contributing to the reduction of the overall carbon footprint.

They are subject to tests taking into account environmental and chemical legislation:

  •     Heavy metal verification
  •     Absence of traces of endocrine disruptors (Phthalates, etc.)
  •     Absence of eternal pollutants (PFOAS...)
  •     Absence of toxic and carcinogenic materials
  •     Verification of fiber qualities (lengths, tears, etc.)
  •     Verification of their physical quality and fit (abrasion test, elasticity, etc.)


Several techniques are used to check the properties compatible with the theoretical properties of your recycled materials:

  •     By MEB-EDX
  •     By ICP-MS spectrometry
  •     By FTIR Spectrometry
  •     By ATG-DSC techniques
  •     By NMR spectrometry


Certify recycled raw material

Transparency is an essential element of OSE Services’ approach. Customers benefit from full access to audit results, increasing confidence in the quality of the recycled materials used. This transparency also helps to strengthen the reputation of partner companies as environmentally responsible actors.


Research & Innovation

As a future-oriented company, OSE Services continually invests in research and development to improve its verification methods and stay at the forefront of technological advances in the field of plastics recycling. This proactive approach ensures that OSE Services customers benefit from the most advanced solutions and most reliable verification services on the market.

In conclusion, OSE Services stands out as a preferred partner for companies seeking to integrate recycled PE and PET fibers into their production processes. With its commitment to sustainability, cutting-edge technology and transparency, OSE Services is shaping the future of plastics recycling, helping to build a more robust and environmentally friendly circular economy.

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