PFAs Regulations

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PFAs Regulations

Ose Industries

Water Sampling for PFAs Detection: The Expertise of OSE Services at Your Disposal

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAs, are ubiquitous chemicals in our environment. Their presence in water can have significant impacts on human health and ecosystems. To prevent risks, the DREAL (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning, and Housing) has issued a decree, available here, mandating investigations for all ICPE (Classified Installation for Environmental Protection) facilities.

In this context, OSE Services stands as an essential partner for concerned businesses and communities. Our team of qualified experts is ready to conduct on-site water sampling to search for PFAs compounds.

On-Site Interventions for Rigorous Analysis

Our on-site intervention process is the result of proven expertise in the fields of environmental and chemical analysis. We understand the crucial importance of precision and reliability in results to ensure safety and environmental compliance.

During our interventions, our qualified team meticulously conducts water sampling on-site in accordance with current standards and protocols. Each step is thoroughly documented to ensure sample traceability.

Advanced Laboratory Analysis

Once the samples are collected on-site, they are sent to specialized laboratories. Using state-of-the-art equipment and advanced analytical methodologies, we can accurately detect and quantify PFAs compounds present in the water samples.

Compliance with DREAL Requirements

OSE Services' interventions meet the stringent requirements set by DREAL. We ensure that every step of our process, from sample collection to laboratory analysis, is carried out in accordance with the applicable standards and protocols.

Committed to Environmental Protection

At OSE Services, we are aware of the crucial impact of our activities on the environment. Therefore, we are committed to adhering to the strictest standards and actively contributing to the preservation of our planet.

In conclusion, if your facility is classified as ICPE and you are subject to the decree regarding PFAs compounds, you can rely on OSE Services' expertise. Our teams are ready to conduct the necessary on-site water sampling, followed by precise laboratory analysis. Trust our commitment to environmental protection and everyone's safety.

For more information about our services, please contact us here.

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