The challenges of agri-food analyzes

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The challenges of agri-food analyzes

Ose Industries

Focus on the Naturalness of Flavors and Colorants

The evolution of consumer preferences towards more natural food products has significantly transformed the food industry. In this context, the naturalness of flavors and colorants has become a major criterion for discerning consumers. However, this quest for naturalness comes with significant challenges, such as counterfeiting and potential risks of cross-contamination within production facilities using various types of ingredients.

The Context of Naturalness:

Today's consumers are increasingly aware of the origins of their food ingredients. The growing demand for food products featuring natural ingredients has prompted the industry to innovate in developing natural flavors and colorants. However, this shift towards natural ingredients presents major challenges in terms of quality control and traceability.

Potential Risks:

The simultaneous use of synthetic, artificial, and natural ingredients in production facilities creates an environment prone to risks of counterfeiting and cross-contamination. Manufacturers face growing pressure to ensure the naturalness of their products while maintaining high safety and quality standards.

The Experience of OSE Services:

The teams at OSE Services, with their expertise as engineers and judicial experts, have addressed these complex challenges. Their extensive experience in physico-chemical analyses has enabled them to provide innovative solutions for evaluating the naturalness of flavors and colorants, while identifying potential risks associated with the coexistence of different types of ingredients within production processes.

On-Site Studies to Assess Risks and Claims:

OSE Services offers companies the opportunity to conduct thorough studies by visiting their sites. These studies allow for the evaluation of potential risks of counterfeiting and cross-contamination, while providing recommendations to enhance production practices and ensure compliance with naturalness requirements.

In conclusion, the naturalness of flavors and colorants in the food industry represents a complex challenge, but also a major opportunity for companies looking to meet consumer expectations. Thanks to the expertise of OSE Services, companies can navigate these challenges, ensuring the quality, naturalness, and safety of their food products.

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